OpenWrt curl package

Some OpenWrt-specific information for the curl package can be found below.

Building libcurl with HTTP/3 and QUIC support

I was only able to successfully build the libcurl with HTTP/3 and QUIC support inside the musl-based Alpine Linux VM. Instructions below are for the Alpine Linux VM, however you may also be able to create an Alpine Linix-based docker image and use that.

After you Alpine Linux VM is booted and you non-root user is set up, log in to your Alpine Linux VM as the non-root user and run:

doas sed -i 's|#http://|http://|' /etc/apk/repositories
doas apk update
doas apk add argp-standalone asciidoc bash bc binutils bzip2 coreutils diffutils findutils libxslt flex g++ gawk gettext git grep gzip linux-headers musl-libintl
doas apk add musl-obstack-dev ncurses-dev openssl-dev patch perl python3-dev rsync unzip zlib-dev curl build-base wget gnupg tar perl-utils nano expat cunit autoconf
doas apk add automake libtool xz elfutils-dev util-linux cmake shadow musl-fts-dev cdrkit intltool
doas chsh "$(whoami)"

Swtich shell to bash by typing /bin/bash.

After that log out of SSH session and log back in and run the following commands:

rm -rf
git clone --depth 1 --branch v23.05.3
rm -rf openwrt
git clone --depth 1 --branch v23.05.3
cd openwrt
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
rm -rf ~/openwrt/package/libs/openssl
cp -r ~/ ~/openwrt/package/libs/openssl
rm -rf ~/openwrt/feeds/packages/libs/nghttp3
cp -r ~/ ~/openwrt/feeds/packages/libs/
rm -rf ~/openwrt/feeds/packages/libs/ngtcp2
cp -r ~/ ~/openwrt/feeds/packages/libs/
make menuconfig

In menuconfig set up the Target System (and Subtarget if applicable) to build for your speicifc OpenWrt platform, then scroll down to Libraries press Enter, then scroll down to and highlight libcurl and press Y (or spacebar twice) to enable building libcurl, then press Enter to go to libcurl build settings and select OpenSSL as the dependent library and select both HTTP/3 protocol and QUIC protocol. Then inn the menuconfig menu below the list select Save and press Enter to save the build settings. Then use Exit as many times as it takes to leave menuconfig.

When you’re back in the command line, run the following:

make -j1 defconfig download clean world

Depending on the size/CPU of your VM it make take quite some time (or none at all) to complete the build.

You can then find the ipk files you’ll need to copy to your router below:

ls ~/openwrt/bin/packages/*/base/libopenssl3*.ipk
ls ~/openwrt/bin/packages/*/packages/lib{curl,ng}*.ipk


Information above has been created with the help of participants in this issue discussion.